Oceans, Seas and Shorelines

Across History, Culture, Law, Science & Industry

The Environmental Research Association in CHE is open to researchers who wish to contribute to our understanding of the relationship between human society and the planet with the aim of increasing awareness of, and changing, practices that negatively impact on natural resources. In this group there is a special focus on oceans, seas and shorelines across history, culture, law, science and industry.

The seventy per-cent of our planet that is blue has often been represented as endlessly self-replenishing but as more research emerges it is becoming clear that it is under severe pressure from climate change and over-exploitation.

This Research Association uses collaborative cross-disciplinary research to contribute to international debates that spotlight the issues affecting the oceans, seas and shorelines and their representations across cultural media


The Environmental Research Association in CHE is open to researchers who wish to contribute to our understanding of the relationship between human society and the planet with the aim of increasing awareness of, and changing, practices that negatively impact on natural resources. In this group there is a special focus on oceans, seas and shorelines across history, culture, law, science and industry.

The seventy per-cent of our planet that is blue has often been represented as endlessly self-replenishing but as more research emerges it is becoming clear that it is under severe pressure from climate change and over-exploitation.

This Research Association uses collaborative cross-disciplinary research to contribute to international debates that spotlight the issues affecting the oceans, seas and shorelines and their representations across cultural media

M e m b e r s
P u b l i c a t i o n s
P r o j e c t s
L i n k s
C o n f e r e n c e s
A p p s